What a BLESSING!! No one could ever describe just how amazing it is to have a child. I NEVER imagined the love that I actually have for Reed! From the moment he started screaming I fell in love. In fact, I spent most of the first 2 weeks crying (happy tears) just everytime that I looked at him or thought about how blessed we are to have him. I love being his mommy! I am so glad God chose for me and Wes to be Reed's parents! It has been a busy 4 weeks for sure. The first week Reed was VERY sleepy ALL the time. He is a little more alert now and does not fall asleep as easily ;)He usually eats about every 3 hours, but sometimes only 2 hours (he is a growing boy). I am tired, but I have enjoyed taking care of him. I decided that I just am not going to get much sleep right now! haha. I try to sleep when Reed sleeps even if that means I sleep all day in 2-3 hour increments and I get absolutely nothing done. The house doesn't stay as clean as usual, I am way behind on thank you notes, and trying to hurriedly get out birth announcements. :-) We have been pretty much stuck in the house the past 4 weeks. I have got out a few times when Wes was home with Reed to go run errands. Reed has been out with me to the pediatricin, kroger, and to get his newborn pictures taken. Tonight we are going to attempt a big outing to the homecoming football game- Go Cougars! SO... we will see how that goes. It feels good to get out of the house though, especially with the recent fall-like weather.
Wes has been a GREAT dad!! I cannot believe how truly awesome he has been. I enjoy our weekends together as a FAMILY when he is off work. I am already dreading the fact that when I go back to work in November that I will be working weekend nights and will miss that special time, BUT it is the best option for Reed and our family right now.
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